
Salary card benefits

Discover the special offers

Additional debit card

If you have a salary card and you want to provide family members with funds for unforeseen situations, you have this possibility for free.

You can request the issuance of one or more additional cards attached to the salary account, which will give you extra security for the availability of resources in the account.

In cases where you lose or do not remember the authentication data of the basic card, you will be able to use the resources from the salary account with the additional card. And for your family members, in the event of unforeseen expenses, the additional card will provide access to the funds in your salary account.

Credit discounts

Any employee of companies that has concluded Salary Project agreements with the bank can benefit from special discounts on loan interest.

IMPORTANT! You will no longer have to go to the bank to pay the loan installments, which are automatically paid from the salary account. All you have to do is make sure you have enough money in your account on the payment date to pay the installment. For this option, no additional commission will be charged.

To find out more details contact the personal advisor from OTP Bank. S.A.

Term deposits

Having a bank deposit opened at OTP Bank, you can now opt for the transfer of interest directly to the salary card. All you have to do is submit an appropriate application to the bank. There is no additional charge for this option. To find out more details please contact the personal advisor from OTP Bank.