The Way of Money with the students of Mihai Eminescu high school in Călărași

The Way of Money with the students of Mihai Eminescu high school in Călărași


As part of the "The Way of Money" campaign, 30 students of the "Mihai Eminescu" high school in Sipoteni, Călărași district, explored how they can be more agile with money alongside the trainers of "OK" Financial Education Foundation and OTP Bank employees.

The campaign is launched annually by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) in partnership with commercial banks and includes various activities to promote financial education. The current edition marks the 30th anniversary of the national currency.

Following the trip to NBM, where the young people learned about the roles of money and banks in the economy, the trainers of "OK" Foundation and the employees of OTP Bank invited them on an imaginary journey through banking.

Young people were curious about the bank's departments and career opportunities. The topics of marketing and financial analysis enjoyed particular interest. Later, an interactive game challenged them to manage a sum of money as efficiently as possible through investments in the financial market, savings accounts and various business ideas. Bank lending solutions were compared with those of microfinance institutions, their risks and benefits were assessed.

When asked how they envision a successful bank, several mentioned digitalization.

One of the Xth form students, who owns a bank card, said: "To manage money and time efficiently, it is important that all banking services and transaction information are available online. It would also be useful to have access to savings features: monthly budgeting, setting spending ceilings and alerts for them.”

The debate on the most effective investment methods captivated the students, who invited "OK" Foundation to Sipoteni to continue it. We look forward to the results.

OTP Bank (Moldova), a subsidiary of OTP Group, is an integrated and universal provider of financial services. With an approach defined by responsibility, commitment and professionalism, OTP Bank understands the needs of customers and the current market context, and is a reliable financial partner in the provision of financial services.

"OK" Financial Education Foundation was created on December 5, 2019, under the patronage of OTP Bank S.A. with the aim of contributing to increasing the degree of financial education in the Republic of Moldova. More than 5,000 people, children, young people and adults, from 32 localities in the country, have benefited from the Foundation's financial education programs.

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