OTP Bank S.A. informs, according to the Decision of the Supervisory Board from May 21, 2024, about the convocation of the ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which will take place by correspondence on June 21, 2024, 16:00, in mun. Chişinău, 81/A Ştefan cel Mare si Sfint Ave., head office of the bank.
- Report of the Supervisory Board about the results of its activity in 2023.
- eport of the Executive Body about Bank’s activity results in 2023.
- mendments to Bank’s Article of Association.
- Approval of the Regulations on the General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders and the procedure for ensuring shareholders' access to the Bank's information (new redaction).
- Approval of the Regulation of Supervisory Board OTP Bank S.A. (new redaction).
- Approval of external audit organization and establishing the remuneration quantum for its services for 2024.
- Distribution of Bank’s profit for 2019- 2023.
- Discharge from liability related to their activity in 2023 of members of the Supervisory Board.
The list of shareholders who has the right to take part at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be done according to the situation of May 23, 2024. Amendments to the list of bank’s shareholders who have the right to participate at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders may be introduced until June 18, 2024.
The shareholders can familiarize themselves with materials of the agenda for the General Meeting of Shareholders beginning with June 11, 2024 in the bank’s central building: 81a bd. Stefan cel Mare, mun. Chisinau, office 314, within 9:00- 13:00 and 15:00 – 16:30.
Participation at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be expressed by filling in, signing (with authentication in the established manner of the signature of the shareholder / his representative) and sending the Voting Paper to the Bank by one of the following methods:
- can be signed by the shareholder personally at the head office of the bank in the presence of the members of counting commission.
- sent by post and certified by notary or by the administration from the working place, from studying institution or living place of the shareholder, and for the retired - by the social assistance body from the living place.
- will be sent signed (authenticated signature) by e-mail: gov@otpbank.md, by uploading it together with the following documents:
- the Identity Card, for individuals,
- Extract from the State Registry of legal entities indicating the name of the administrator, for legal entities,
- The power of attorney performed and issued in the way established by legislation, in the case in which the voting paper was signed by a person empowered by proxy, for both individuals and legal entities.
In case of legal persons the voting paper is signed by the administrator or other empowered persons.
Legal entity shall attach to the voting paper, according to the case:
a) Extract from state registry of legal entities indicating the name of the administrator;
b) The power of attorney performed and issued in the way established by legislation, in the case in which the voting paper was signed by a person empowered by proxy.
The deadline for presenting the voting paper to the Bank is June 21, 2024, 16:00.
The results of voting by correspondence will be brought to the shareholders acknowledgement by publication until July 04, 2024 of a communicate in Official Monitor of RM, “Capital Market” newspaper and on Bank’s website.
Additional information you can get at phones no: 022 812 360; 022 812 431; 0 22 812 339.